Q: Could you tell us the entrepreneurial journey or story that motivated you to start your business?
A: "I think it all begins with my Grandpa Staggs"
My grandfather was first to graduate college on my fathers side. He always demonstrated to me the art of a good argument. "It's a Staggs gene" he'll tell ya.

Anyways, before I was ever know to be a twinkle in my mothers eye... My grandfather - met - his- match!
My grandmother, the MOST graceful, always loving and light-hearted tender women soon met and my very persistent grandfather during college. The story goes, they fell in love, traveled the world and soon raised not one but two first generation higher education professionals. And, you should know, My grandmother is the living embodiment of a saint, a mother, and all things considered.
And so, my one and only favorite Uncle Brad was brought into the world two years and some change following the birth of my grandparents first born, my father, my hero, my protector, my mentor, my Dad. And I am his ' Rosebud' he'd tell ya.
My uncle, a top-notch, Lawyer, entrepreneur , investor, much fun and always active uncle, made partner early on in his career. Hard work, elbow grease and a smile he was prime and fit to establish his law firm as managing partner. He lives by the ocean now. He always greets me with open arms and great wisdom when I need someone to talk to. We don't talk business really but I know I see his hard work in his life now... and I see his Legacy. My father, the older of my grandparents two sons, a hot shot Doctor, gentlemen and an an officer - with an independent mind, passion for the lust of life, and an ambition felt so fierce that anyone in the room will take notice. A thinker, a philosopher. Whom inspired me to study the classics, religion, philosophy during my own studies at Ole Miss... and of course, bestowed the ideas of capitalism and destiny into me. He is the owner multiple successful ASC surgery center medical practice - and that's the short list. Legacy. Amazing! Needless to say, I come from a family of hardworking American dreamers, high performance doers and well- established entrepreneurs.

My mother met my father during their residency at Georgetown U, School Of Medicine in 1986 and both specializes in physical medicine & rehabilitation. Yes, my mother is a Doctor too. I hold tremendous admiration for my mothers career path working to teach residents at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, becoming a dedicated and well respected Past President Executive Board at Maryland Workers Compensation Educational Association and Former Chair, Program Planning Committee at Maryland Workers Compensation Educational Association, and loving mother of three amazing kids, including myself.
While my mother is my greatest example of female empowerment, community advocacy, career progression, and what I like to call social butterfly-ism, this story is about my entrepreneurial journey and spirit within.
"And so I'll get to the real gritty bits now. I guess I'd say, the one I turn to for most advisement, business know-how, life , wisdom, good debate, and good music... ... and WELL before the start of acquiring my own LLC - is my father."

I am proud to say I look to my father and his story for motivation, business advice, awareness and all things entrepreneurial. It is because of him I have developed this innate drive to command my own destiny, cultivate my own freedoms, unlock the psychology of my purpose, and ultimately set sail my own legacy as a business owner.
A retired interventional pain physician and past co-owner of Total Pain Care, LLC ambulatory surgical center and MS Pain Physicians, PLLC, a professional member of the American Academy of Pain Medicine, Spinal Injection Society and Southern Pain Society, I witnessed my father serve his community by making a direct and everlasting impact for his patients. My father is also active in the community with regard to music and arts promoting local talent whilst sitting on the Board of Directors at Meridian Symphony Association.

As a child, I saw my fathers ambitions grow into a million dollar healthcare private practice, opening four locations across the great state of Mississippi. Currently, he is involved in entrepreneurial capital investments start ups, he is a restaurant owner, and sommelier. I have seen him put in the hard work, sacrifice and detail every single morning. I think back on my high school days. The days I didn't feel good enough, looking for any excuse to skip school for the day and sleep in. My father would say to me "get your butt up and go."
“Be consistent and be present!... I never called in not ONE sick day in 20 years!”
... in all his years as a Doc at his own medical practice and I am talking decades of serving his community. That’s dedication and commitment. Amazing! I watched my father sacrifice, expand, grow, celebrate, stress, and all phases of his business while catering to the demands of family and loved ones around him.
Twenty nine years young I am now well into my own business ownership career. As the years progressed, I watched my father sell his business, make an even larger fortune, remain an advocate for our community, then shift his focus and well-earned retirement years to do even more work as an angel investor and venture capitalist in environmentalist start-up companies across the nation. Yes, just like your favorite show, Shark Tank!
My father was a real life example and true entrepreneurial experience I carry with me daily.
Business building is in my DNA! It’s the core of my story and my childhood. Mostly, I learned from my father the power of people in the world of business. I learned the most important entrepreneurial fact of all from my father and that is this:
“Businesses can only grow through the power of connections, the power of people, through the power of relationships.”
It is important to me that my clients know I care and I will do everything in my power to achieve their goals and objectives.
It’s my pleasure, passion and privilege in life to build businesses for a client. Yeah, that feels good but I like to go deeper. I REALLY love educating my clients on how THEY can be the biggest asset to themselves by becoming knowledgeable about navigating this world in advertising. Everything is so busy these days. The sharks are lurking and we all want a piece. You need to protect your investment and understanding of advertising in regards to what you put your hardworking dollars marketing towards.
I can provide you with a fully transparent account of your marketing dollars and our lead generation path to success, all the while delivering you insightful customer acquisition knowledge you can use to optimize your client base and lead generation journey with both traditional and digital new media tactics. This is my promise to you. I will empower you by educating you on best practices, and fully transparent goals, timelines and objects along the way. You can be as hands on or if you prefer as hands off as you choose but it's important to me my clients know I am giving them the most accurate and honest services.

It is certain, my unique childhood experiences by way of watching my fathers hard work pay off over time combined with my young adult ambitions of achieving my Bachelors degree of Science in Integrated Marketing Communication, Ole Miss, and the academic field of communications both helped me to begin to understand business in concrete, material terms and sometimes strange, more fluid ways. You know… the new “grind” mindset, “chasing the hustle”, the “money mindset”, the growth hacking, expansion, seizing the opportunity, seeing risk pay off in terms of my reward. All these items shaped my post graduate career progression. It’s emotional for me now recalling the first hand account of self sacrifice, discipline, and resilience - never give up.
The deep calling to become something of my own would never leave my soul's core. In becoming an entrepreneur and business owner of Brand With Sav, LLC I could progress my career taking on the projects and clients I choose, thereby making positive change in my community. My mother, my heart, and the words from Gandhi whispering in my ear always told me “I can be the change I wish to see in the world.” I can help people I care about! I can help business owners grow and provide for their families by serving their community! Amazing!
A job well done is a smiling client with an increased ROI that feels inspired to embark on another campaign with me in order to take their business to the next level, again and again. Furthermore, it is my greatest personal and professional goal to join you in navigating your marketing, advertising and business. All the while enhancing and driving forward a brand that is a natural extension of my own beliefs.
In closing, I consider myself above all, an observer, a student, a listener. Only after I learned as much have I stepped foot into my own narrative. I am a daughter, a sister, a neighbor, a lover, yes that much is true but at the core of my true self I am a creator. ~ I am a businesswoman, a story teller, a doer, a problem solver, a provider, a philosopher of ethics, logic, and of course a philosopher of marketing strategy in which I focus exclusively on the needs of the customer in order to maintain the profitability of the company.
I aim to bridge the gap between the consumer, the owner, the market demand, and the tactical journey one must understand and be willing to accept help in order to drive growth and command presence in a market, drive awareness and consideration and fulfill each business marketing objective with transparent, data-driven, creative marketing solutions. I seek tremendous joy from bringing like minded individuals and business owners the passion, privilege and desire to help other businesses prosper. To conquer their goals and be proud of their business. To share it with the world. To help businesses and hard working Americans like yourself when taking the next step in your uniquely tailored journey towards business growth and ultimately, the goals that allow you to live the life you want.
Become the master of your dreams and command your own ship. Build your brand, your business, your strategy, your plan to take your business to the next level time and time again.
At the heart and soul of Brand With Sav, I understand that effective communication is the key to building strong connections with your audience and driving business success. Whether you're looking to revamp your brand messaging, improve your social media presence, or launch a targeted email campaign, we have the expertise to elevate your brand to new heights.

Gary, AKA, Gar Bare Age 58 - Current. CA native born at Fort Orde, CA Navy Base. 12 pounds, 18 inches probably. LOL. Rebel. Kicked-out of Mom's house at 18 years old.
Became chaos in abundance in my early days. Known for: BMX bikes, Motorcycles, motor-cross, lean-mean party machine.
Laid off at General Dynamics, San Diego, CA at age 22. "QUOTE TO INTERVIEW... A: Upon reflection of circumstances that created less than ideal notions of my self and my future... I became sober from ages 22-45, switching my addictions and vices to triathlons . Ambition and Drive 100%. During my late 20's, call it an epiphany, destiny and fate pushed me to my first business of four businesses.
Q: What did you do:
A: Landscaping, installs... called it Green Earth Landscape. [22 years old] Q: Who Did you do it for:
A: Anybody. Q: Why did you do it:
A: Needed a dollar. $ - saw opportunity and had a guy as an agriculturist living in my back yard. He works for the government now, for international countries. Anyways, we got to talking together, said "let's do this" and we got started. It was perfect. Q: Well, happened next:
A: Well ,one day I went to my buddies birthday party - Chris McKray! birthday! ... anyways... I ran into a guy, we hit it off. He had a lot of money but no trade skills. Yeah, he's was a professional football player for the Steelers, Dean Dingman So, we got to talking - an opportunity arose. Talking about synthetic turf and putting greens. So, he didn't have a license or trucks or employees - which was frickin perfect for me, actually. I had everything he needed... So we got together and made money. He brought the biz brains, I brought the braun and steel.
- Then I learn a thing about how to SELL A BUSINESS...
30 years deep I ran "One Putt Greens." Sold it to my buddy - CHRIS MKCRAY's dad and one of his broker bros. Anyways, I was 25 when I started, and I sold for my first half a million. I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT. THE WHOLE THING!

Q: What do you think of Savannah? A: She's phenomenal. She's been working my property management 3 years and a lot of other responsibilities I need help with in business now that I'm retired but still making gains. Work stuff, you know, like, paperwork, anything to do with the city and building codes, legal help, a lot. Also, looking to bring her in on a new Project for mobile solar paneling. New Business. My fifth business in total. Nice. Q: Why do you think your included here, in this list of her compadres? [ re: biz & entrepreneurship. ]
A: We talk business, and why not! It's exciting. Q: She says "you have been my family out here" referring to her West Coast family - considering she is miles across the nation from any blood relatives. She says she's "miles from home on a mission, but I find home here." How does that make you feel? A: Warm and fuzzy inside. I'm from Arkansas. I can relate. Q: What's in her future and who is she? A: Well, if she does accomplish what I know she can ~ We will be friends forever. If not, we're still friends forever. I support her and see much success in her future and I want to invest. Q: What's your fav song / artist you've enjoyed timeless memories with? What describes her genre?
A: 'Picture' Kid rock, Sav sings Sheryl Crow, Karaoke, late night to a white russian.

Continued Success,
Savannah R. Staggs
Brand With Sav, LLC. 2024